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The 2024 NSF CSforAll  PI and Community Meeting is an invite-only, in-person event co-located and integrated with the 2024 CSTA Annual Conference at Caesars Forum in Las Vegas, NV. 

  • CSTA: July 16 - July 19

  • NSF CS for ALL PI events: July 17 - July 19 - see below for a truncated draft schedule


For your invited project, we expect to reimburse 2 members of your team to attend this meeting. We ask that you, as the lead PI, share this information with your project team and identify your representatives to attend the meeting. For RPP projects bringing 2 attendees, one teammate is required to be a K-14 based partner.  Included in your registration will be:

  • Registration to the full CSTA conference

  • Reimbursement for 2 nights of lodging at the negotiated rate (you will receive a link to the venue hotel upon completing registration — you are responsible for making your reservation.) 

  • Reimbursement travel to and from the event — flight, ground transportation, mileage, parking are all included (you are responsible for making your own travel arrangements.)

  • Meals not provided at the conference will be reimbursed at the per diem rate.  


Outside of the 2 reimbursed members, please consider using the provided travel support and/or project funding to arrive early and to bring one or more K–12 CS teachers and other practitioner partners to the PI meeting and CSTA Conference.  After April 1, there may be an opportunity to apply for additional funding to cover additional attendees. 


The two attendees from your project must register independently.  Upon registration each person will receive:

  • A link to book your hotel room — please book immediately as the block WILL fill up and you will be responsible for finding alternate lodging to be reimbursed at the conference rate

  • Instructions for data collection on your project that will be compiled in a shared database

  • Instructions for completing a one-pager that will be included in the digital conference booklet


All of the above tasks will have a hard deadline of June 1.


We encourage you to register soon and no later than April 1, 2024. 


Please reach out if you have any questions. We are looking forward to seeing you in July! 


We are collecting data about your project that will inform efforts to understand the long term impact of the CS for All RPP program.

Please note: any data collected in this effort will be shared with NSF including non-responses to the form.

If you have more than one award, please submit one form per award. A PDF copy of this form has been included in your invitation.

If you have any questions about this data collection effort, please reach out to

CLICK TO VIEW Interactive Data Collected from 2023 and 2022

Click any image below to see data collected from CS for All projects in 2023:



Your submission is completed in 4 sections:

  1. Information collected for the top margin. Logo, Project Name, PI's and Co-PI's, Award Number, Funding Year, Institution, and Contact. 

  2. A 16:9 PDF section where you will showcase your project (Click here for a template on the suggested platform, Canva) 

  3. Relevant links and documents are collected to add more information that does not fit on a single page.

  4. An opportunity to highlight your work that might be relevant to the CSTA community of K-12 teachers. 

Image dipicting submission sections: Information collected for the top margin. Logo, Project Name, PI's and Co-PI's, Award Number, Funding Year, Instituion, and Contact.   A 16:9 PDF section where you will showcase your project (Click here for a template on the suggested platform, Canva)   Relevant links and documents are collected to add more information that does not fit on a single page.  An opportunity to highlight your work that might be relevant to the CSTA community of K-12 teachers. 

You will have an opportunity to review the completed one-pager before the digital booklet is finalized.


If you have more than one award, please submit a unique one-page summary per award.

If you have any questions about

contributing to the meeting booklet,

please reach out to Brianna


Click either booklet image to see

the digital booklets created for

our last two PI meetings:



During the PI meeting the CS for All: RPP community will have the opportunity to participate in an open poster session on Thursday morning.  This session will be open to all attendees of the CSTA conference.  The goals of this session are to:


  • Inform CS for All projects through exposure to the most current research and practice perspectives of the CS teacher community

  • Provide a venue for disseminating CS for All research outcomes, promising practices and lessons learned with an audience ready to improve the CS educational experience

  • Create opportunities for collaboration and networking among researchers and practitioners committed to broadening participation in computing. 

We anticipate most, if not all, projects will share at least one project poster during this session. For some projects, the content you submit as your one-pager could be appropriate for the poster.

Posters will be grouped by the themes you voted on during registration.  The chosen themes include:

  • Teacher PD and Support

  • Curricula

  • Pedagogy 

  • Equity 

  • Deep Engagement as a Change Process

Poster reserach_edited.png

This Meeting is Supported By:

SageFox Square Logo on Transparent Backg

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under award 2329377. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Copyright © 2023 - 2024 CS for All PI and Community Meeting at the Computer Science Teachers Association Meeting

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