We are excited to welcome you to the 2024 CSforAll PI & Community Meeting. Given the pivotal role of teachers in CSforAll, this community meeting is co-located with the CSTA Conference providing attendees an opportunity to connect with teachers from across the nation. This community meeting will bring together experts in computer science education, broadening participation in computing, and education research. It will provide the opportunity for productive sessions and discussions, the building of new partnerships and collaborations, and the leveraging of ongoing work. PIs, potential PIs, and interested community members will all be in attendance.
We appreciate you taking the time to gather and strengthen the network of projects and activities. We look forward to an exciting few days!
The CSforAll Team:
Allyson Kennedy (Program Director, CISE/EWF)
Jeff Forbes (Program Director, CISE/EWF)
Jill Denner (Program Director, CISE/EWF)
Laurel Watkins de Jong (AAAS Science Policy Fellow, CISE/EWF)
Meryleen Mena (AAAS Science Policy Fellow, CISE/EWF)
Ariana Romero (NSF Summer Scholars Intern, CISE/EWF)
Fengfeng Ke (Program Director, EDU/DRL)
Michael Ford (Program Director, EDU/DRL)
Margret Hjalmarson (Program Director, EDU/DRL)
Meeting Organizing Committee:
SageFox Consulting Group
Alan Peterfreund, Rebecca Zarch, Brianna Johnston, Stacey Sexton, Emily DeHaro-Otero, Mike Chery-Winder, and Talia Goldwasser
Bryan Twarek, Jake Baskin, Michelle Burton, and Dana Weingartner ​​​​
Meetings with NSF Program Officers
We are excited to offer two opportunities for attendees to meet with CSforAll Program Officers:
Wednesday, July 17: 1 - 4 PM
Friday, July 19: 9 AM - 12 PM
Sign up for a 15-minute time slot here.
Need Help Onsite?
Look for someone with the Organizational Team Button!

This Meeting is Supported By:

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under award 2329377. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
Copyright © 2023 - 2024 CS for All PI and Community Meeting at the Computer Science Teachers Association Meeting