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Standards for Adult Education - Digital Literacy

This report is an environmental scan of adult education digital literacy research nationally focusing on standards, available curricular and practitioner support and implications for the estate of Massachusetts

In an ever-increasingly digital world, having the skills to navigate digital environments is critical. Digital Literacy and skills affect most aspects of life, from daily living, including caregiving and civic engagement; transportation; informal and formal learning; and participation in the workforce. In 2023, under a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Adult and Community Learning Services (ACLS) division, SageFox Consulting Group conducted environmental scan of adult education digital literacy (AEDL) research. The purpose of this work was to understand

  • How Massachusetts would benefit from its own digital literacy standards for adult education and

  • What can be learned from the implementation of DL education in K–12 and community college spaces?

As part of this scan we also examined the implications for implementation of standards including leveraging existing structures, practitioner support and ongoing assessment.

SageFox Team Members involved: Alan Peterfreund, Brianna Johnston, Mika Hurd, Rebecca Zarch, Stacey Sexton

External Partners: Amanda Menier, Sabah Bhatnagar, Deborah Boisvert, Karen McCabe, Kristin Proctor, Kate Anderson


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