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Interactive Map: Eng+ Locations of Interest

The data team at SageFox just completed an interactive map for one of our projects: Engineering PLUS.

One of the lessons learned during the first two years of Engineering PLUS has been how challenging it is for those trying to effect change to know who their potential partners might be.  This ever-evolving Tableau-based interactive map attempts to bring together information that can foster potential networking between our extensive Engineering PLUS locations of interest: Regional Hub members and PEERs with other leaders of workforce develop/student support (NSF LSAMAPs and BPE) initiatives, schools engaged in the institutional change through the NSF RED program or ASEE Diversity Recognition Program and recent awardees of Federal programs associated with the recent CHIPS and Infrastructure investments.

You can utilize the map by clicking the image above or manipulating below (however we recommend moving to full screen to best see all of the features.) You can also learn more through our User Guide.


This is a work in progress and is part of the CIDER (Continuous Improvement through Data, Evaluation, and Research) team's efforts to provide useful information. 

We welcome feedback on the utility of what we have developed and suggestions for future interactions.Please email us at with any questions, comments or suggestions.


Click to view: User Guide.

Click to download User Guide:

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