The Described and Captioned Media Program’s (DCMP) STREAM (“Student and Teacher Resources for Educational Accessible Media”) project will ensure that early learning through twelfth-grade students with a sensory disability will benefit from the same educational media used to enrich the educational experiences of other students. Educational media will be selected, captioned, described, and then distributed on DVD and through streaming to computers, mobile devices, OTT (“Over-the-Top media”,) and other platforms. The project will also maintain a learning center with information and training about media accessibility and its use with students. Finally, the DCMP will develop and utilize technology to improve the creation of captioning and description and new media distribution mechanisms, with a focus on improving methods and cost-effectiveness.
Project strategies/activities have been divided into four core areas: production, distribution/outreach, training, and technology.
Key SageFox Team Members: Jeffrey Xavier, Brianna Johnston, Alan Peterfreund, and Michael Chery-Winder
External Partners: Dr. Kenneth Rath (REER); Jason Stark (DCMP)
The evaluation approach is built around the following overarching evaluation questions:
Fidelity of project implementation: Does project progress meet expected milestones?
Formative evaluation: How useful and effective are the products and services offered? What can be done to improve and better achieve the team’s mission of servicing students with sensory disabilities and other learning accessibility needs?
Summative evaluation: To what extent do the services meet the needs of the target population, both in terms of the extent to which they are reaching the populations who need services and the extent to which the content produced meets the learning needs of these populations?
Internal and external dissemination of results: What are the key project successes and shortcomings that should be documented and shared with other audiences outside of the project?