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Mika Hurd


Project Support Specialist

Mika graduated from Umass Amherst (2022), where they earned a B.A. in Early Childhood Education prek-2 and a B.A. in Sociology. They joined the SageFox team in 2022. Prior to joining sagefox, they did three independent research studies at Umass, in which they studied income and education, race and movements, and the criminal justice system, and worked as a preschool teacher for three years. Mika is interested in understanding thought and behaviors, in connection to larger social forces. In particular, their research interests center on race, LQBTQ+ studies, education, and marginalized groups of people. They hope to use education and education research as a tool to effect positive social change. They live with their cat Dice, and in their free time, they like cooking, roller blading, hiking, and doing activism for the aspec community.


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